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Hello, my name is Graham Loton. I am the originator of this Website! I am solely responsible for maintaining its reputation and

standing as a credible and trustworthy Website.The success of 'Top Wedding Photographers' will be dependant on opinions

and contributions from many friends and business colleagues in both the Photographic Profession and the Wedding Industry.


Most importantly, I REALLY NEED YOUR VOICE, YOUR OPINIONS. Please join, and contribute

your experiences on the Facebook Group Page 'Top Wedding Photographers & Planning your Wedding UK'


    Only Wedding Photographers that have met the following criteria are Showcased on this Website.


.... Acknowledged for the QUALITY of their work.

.... Experienced, with a strong, impressive Portfolio.

.... A website that provides a good user experience.

.... Value for money.
.... Positively acknowledged within the Photography Profession.
.... Respected within the Wedding Supplier Business Community.

.... Can offer an excellent endorsement from at least one popular wedding venue.
.... Friendly, Polite, Obliging and Courteous.
.... A truly Professional approach.


    Additionally, to be considered for Showcasing, all Wedding Photographers listed must have been either:


.... Highly recommended by a friend or business colleague in the Wedding Industry.
.... Highly recommended by a friend or business colleague in the Photographic World.
.... Highly recommended through the Facebook Group Page 'Top Wedding Photographers'.
.... Highly recommended by Couples/Families from their own personal experiences.
.... Highly recommended by a professional Wedding Planner.


....some relevant extra info!


*** I will endeavour to maintain 100% accuracy of information. Please do contact me should any information displayed be incorrect!

*** I will showcase only a selection of the best Photographers in each County. There are many other excellent Photographers that are of

     course more than worthy to be showcased, and may well be a more perfect choice for you! I will bring you simply a selection of the best!

*** It is worth mentioning that not all showcased Photographers are full time Professionals. I will be delighted and proud to showcase

     any part time excellent freelance Wedding Photographers.

*** Please note that ALL enquires and bookings should be made with the Photographers direct.

*** I take my responsibilities to bring to you only THE BEST in the business very seriously. However, I will not accept responsibility

     for any showcased Photographers NOT providing you with your expected level of service. I would of course welcome

     any comments you feel may influence my decision to continue showcasing a Photographer on 'Top Wedding Photographers'

*** All Photographers are listed in the County/Region in which they either live, or are based. This makes it easier to find a 'local' Photographer.

*** Photographers are NOT listed by order of recommendation, ability or preference. 

*** It is invariably the case that Photographers are delighted to accept work outside of their County or Region.


....and finally, a background bit about me, Graham Loton, the Website originator!

In April 2011 I found myself embarking on a new business venture into the World of Weddings, helping my wife, Joanna, open a Bridal shop in Elm Hill, a beautiful and historic street in Norwich. 'Elm Hill Brides' was born, and for which, until April 2023, I managed promotions & marketing. In the years leading up to this, my work had been in Sales, Promoting, Marketing and Event organising, and from the arrival of digital, a freelance photographer with a studio, also in Norwich.

Since being in the Wedding business I have developed a strong appreciation, and a passion for excellence, in creative top quality Wedding Photography. Despite continual offers of work, I have however never wanted to, nor do I wish to be a Wedding Photographer. However, because of my respected photography background, and my established networking profile and contacts in the Wedding Industry, I have enquiries from couples all over the UK for me to recommend the best Wedding Photographers!

Hence the creation of this website, 'Top Wedding Photographers' specifically designed to be simple, honest and factual.

I am now actively networking and marketing this website throughout the UK on a daily basis, offering a selection of highly recommended, quality local Wedding Photographers.


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